Analisis Manajemen Tatalaksana Kanker Ginekologi di RSUP Sanglah di Era Pandemi COVID-19
Pandemi COVID-19 memberikan tantangan tersendiri dalam penanganan kanker, khususnya kanker ginekologi. Kondisi pasien penderita kanker yang telah mengalami immunocompromised baik karena penyakitnya maupun efek samping dari obat-obatan yang diberikan, berpotensi meningkatkan risiko pasien kanker untuk mengalami infeksi COVID-19 berat. Penatalaksanaan utama dari kanker yang bertonggak pada tiga poros yaitu operasi, kemoterapi, dan radioterapi perlu dilakukan adaptasi demi meningkatkan angka survival rate pada pasien.
Management of Gynecological Cancers in the COVID-19 Era: a Persepctive from Sanglah General Hospital
The COVID-19 pandemic as challenges in dealing with cancer, especially gynaecological cancer. The condition of cancer patients who have experienced immunocompromised due to both the disease and the side effects of the drugs increases the risk of cancer patients to experience severe COVID-19 infection. The management of cancer consists of three axes; surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy, and needs to be adapted to increase patient survival.
Key word: COVID-19; chemotherapy; operative; radiotherapy; gynaecological cancer
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