Prevalensi dan Luaran Pasien dengan Spekrtum Plasenta Akreta

Adiguna Gurnita, Setyorini Irianti


Tujuan: Plasenta akreta mengakibatkan risiko perdarahan ibu dan morbiditas anak akibat prematuritas. Prevalensi dan luaran pasien dengan spekrum plasenta akreta di Indonesia masih rendah. Penelitian ini bertujuan mencari tingkat prevalensi serta  membandingkan luaran pada ibu dengan plasenta akreta.
Metode: Desain penelitian merupakan penelitian deskriptif observasional yang diperoleh dari rekam medis tahun 2015–2019 di RSUP Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung periode Februari-April 2020.
Hasil: Pada 39 pasien dengan plasenta akreta didapatkan wanita berusia >35 tahun sebanyak 22 orang (56,4%). Kondisi yang banyak ditemui pada pasien plasenta akreta meliputi multipara sebanyak 26 orang (66,7%) dan riwayat seksio sesarea >1x sebanyak 20 orang (51.3%). Sebanyak 30 pasien (76,9%) membutuhkan 3 unit 200 mL Packed Red Cell (PRC). Sebanyak 31 bayi (83,7%) yang lahir dari ibu dengan plasenta akreta lahir kurang bulan atau prematur dan 26 bayi (70,2%) mengalami berat badan lahir rendah (BBLR), serta dari 17 bayi prematur, 8 (52,9%) bayi mengalami stunting.
Kesimpulan: Pasien dengan plasenta akreta di RSUP Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung mayoritas berusia tua, merupakan multipara dan memiliki riwayat seksio sesarea >1x. Pasien dengan plasenta akreta cenderung mengalami pendarahan yang banyak serta terdapat banyak bayi BBLR dan stunting.

Prevalence and Outcome of Placenta Spectrum Accreta

Objective: Placenta accreta carries a risk of maternal bleeding and child morbidity due to prematurity. The prevalence and outcomes of patients with spectrum placenta accreta in Indonesia are still limited. This study aims to evaluate the prevalence and outcomes in mothers with placenta accreta.
Method: This is an observational descriptive study obtained from medical records for 2015–2019 at Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung from February–April 2020.
Results: In 39 patients with placenta accreta, there were 22 women aged >35 years (56.4%). Conditions that were often found in patients with placenta accreta included multiparas in 26 people (66.7%) and history of cesarean section > 1x in 20 people (51.3%). A total of 30 patients (76.9%) required 3 units of 200 mL Packed Red Cell (PRC). A total of 31 babies (83.7%) born to mothers with placenta accreta were born preterm or premature and 26 babies (70.2%) had low birth weight (LBW), and of 17 premature babies, 8 (52.9%) babies are stunted.
Conclusion: Patients with placenta accreta at Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung are mostly old, multiparous, and have history of more than 1 cesarean section. Patients with placenta accreta tend to experience heavy bleeding and there are many LBW and stunted babies.

Key words: placenta accreta, placenta accreta spectrum, LBW, stunting


plasenta akreta, Plasenta Akreta Spektrum, BBLR, Stunting

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