Antiviral Treatment on Pregnancy with COVID-19 Infection : A Systematic Review

Tigor Peniel Simanjuntak, Angela Putri Kakerissa, Grady Ivan Kurniawan


Objective to evaluate antiviral treatment, duration, and side effects on pregnant women based on gestational age and severity of COVID-19 infection. Method: a systematic review of antiviral treatment, duration, and side effects on pregnant women based on gestational age and severity of COVID-19 infection. Systematic review was conducted following the guidelines of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis (PRISMA) Statement.  Result 948 papers accessed through Pubmed, Scopus, Science Direct, Cohcrane, and other with keywords “Antiviral”, “Pregnancy” “Pregnant” “Coronavirus” “COVID-19” “SARS-CoV-2”. Duplicate papers were excluded (n=302),  topics and abstracts that do not meet the criteria (n=612), and 25 papers that did not meet the inclusion criteria. 9 papers that meet the inclusion criteria (case reports and cohort retrospective case study) discussed 20 pregnant women with COVID-19 infection (16 moderate and severe cases received Remdesivir, 3 moderate and mild cases received Lopinavir-ritonavir combination, and 1 moderate case received Arbidol). Conclusion, remdesivir is an antiviral frequently used in pregnancy on trimester II and III with severe COVID-19 infection with a duration of treatment of 5-10 days. Remdesivir should be monitored because some show side effects of increasing liver function.

Pengobatan Ibu Hamil yang Terinfeksi  COVID−19 dengan Antivirus

Tujuan untuk mengevaluasi penggunaan obat antivirus, lama pengobatan, dan efek samping pada wanita hamil dengan infeksi COVID-19 berdasarkan usia kehamilan dan derajat keparahan. Metode tinjauan literatur sistematis tentang penggunaan obat antivirus, lama pengobatan, dan efek samping pada wanita hamil dengan infeksi COVID-19 berdasarkan usia kehamilan dan tingkat keparahan. Tinjauan sistematis mengikuti pedoman dari Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA). Hasil terdapat 948 jurnal yang diakses melalui Pubmed, Scopus, Science Direct, Cohcrane dan lainya dengan kata kunci : Antiviral, Pregnancy, Pregnant, Coronavirus, COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2. Terdapat jurnal yang terduplikasi (n=302), topik dan abstrak yang tidak sesuai kriteria (n=612), dan 25 jurnal yang tidak sesuai kriteria inklusi. Terdapat 9 jurnal yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi (laporan kasus dan studi retrosepktif kohort) yang membahas 20 wanita hamil dengan infeksi COVID-19 (16 kasus dengan derajat sedang dan berat menerima Remdesivir, 3 kasus derajat sedang dan ringan menerima kombinasi Lopinavir-ritonavir, dan 1 kasus derajat sedang menerima Arbidol). Kesimpulan, remdesivir adalah antivirus yang sering digunakan pada wanita hamil trisemester II dan III dengan infeksi COVID-19 derajat berat, lama pengobatan 5-10 hari. Remdesivir harus diwaspadai karena dapat menimbulkan efek samping seperti peningkatan fungsi hati.

Kata kunci: Antivirus, Hamil, COVID-19


Antiviral, pregnant, covid-19

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