Efektifitas Penerapan Bundles IDO Sectio Caesarea: Scoping review

Siti Jubaedah, Yanti Hermayanti, Erniati Erniati


Tujuan: Tinjauan ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi literatur tentang bundles IDO yang telah terbukti berhasil menurunkan  angka kejadian IDO, dapat dijadikan panduan dalam penerapan bundles IDO pada pasien SC
Metode: Pencarian dilakukan di beberapa database yaitu PubMed, Scopus dan CINAHL dengan kata kunci yang digunakan yaitu P=Pasien Post-operasi SC OR Cesarean Delivery, Concept=Surgical Site Infections OR SSI, Context=Bundles OR Procedure.
Hasil: Delapan belas studi yang melibatkan total 24450. Tiga studi RCT, tujuh Cohort Studi retrospektif, lima Cross Sectional Studi, satu experiment dan dua Case Control studi.
Kesimpulan: Bundles IDO terdiri dari Preoperasi: Mandi preoperasi,tidak dilakukan pencukuran rambut,bila mengganggu pakai clipper electrik, pertahankan kadar gula darah ≤200 mg/dl. Intraoperasi: Pemberian Antibiotik, skin dan vaginal preparasi, pertahankan normothermia, kebersihan tangan, penggantian sarung tangan dan set instrument, gunakan jahitan khusus untuk penutupan subkutan dan penutupan kulit. Post operasi: Pertahankan kadar gula darah ≤200 mg/dl, segera lepas kateter urine maksimal 24 jam kecuali ada indikasi, penggantian wound dressing Postoperative day 2, Edukasi Pasien tentang perawatan luka post operasi. Bundles ini dapat menurunkan angka kejadian infeksi IDO pada pasien yang dilakukan operasi SC.

The Effectiveness of Implementing IDO Sectio Caesarea Bundles: Scoping review

Objective: This review aims to identify the literature on SSI bundles which have been proven successful in reducing the incidence of SSI, which can be used as a guide in implementing SSI bundles in SC patients.
Method: The search was carried out in several databases, namely PubMed, Scopus and CINAHL with the keywords used, namely P=Postoperative SC OR Cesarean Delivery Patient, Concept=Surgical Site Infections OR SSI, Context=Bundles OR Procedure.
Results: Eighteen studies involving a total of 24450. Three RCT studies, seven Cohort Retrospective Studies, five Cross Sectional Studies, one experimental and two Case Control studies.
Conclusion: SSI Bundles consist of Pre-surgery: Pre-surgery shower, no hair cutting, use an electric clipper if it bothers you, maintain blood sugar levels ≤200 mg/dl. Intraoperative: Administration of antibiotics, skin and vaginal preparation, maintain normothermia, hand hygiene, change of gloves and instrument sets, use special sutures for subcutaneous closure and skin closure. Post surgery: Maintain blood sugar level ≤200 mg/dl, immediately remove the urinary catheter for a maximum of 24 hours unless there is an indication, replace the wound dressing Postoperative day 2, educate patients about postoperative wound care. These bundles can reduce the incidence of SSI infections in patients undergoing SC surgery.

Key words: Bundles, SSI, Post-Sesection Caesarean Patients

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24198/obgynia.v6i2.476


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