Peran Phosphatase Regenerating Liver-3 dan Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor dalam Progresivitas Kanker Ovarium Epitelial
Tujuan: Mengetahui peran phosphatase regenerating liver-3 (PRL-3) dan vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) dalam progresivitas kanker ovarium.
Metode: Penelitian dilakukan pada penderita kanker ovarium di beberapa rumah sakit jejaring Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Hasanuddin Makassar. Pengambilan sampel dilaksanakan secara consecutive sampling. Pengambilan cairan ascites dan jaringan tumor pada saat operasi dilakukan untuk pemeriksaan hematoksilin eosin dan immunohistokimia, dan pemeriksaan mRNA dengan RT-PCR. Pemeriksaan hematoksilin eosin untuk mengukur histopatologi. Pemeriksaan imunohistokimia dilakukan untuk mengetahui ekskpresi PRL-3 dan VEGF. RT-PCR digunakan untuk melakukan pemeriksaaan mRNA PRL-3. Data dianalisis dengan uji chi-square dan analisis korelasi Spearman pada taraf signifikansi 5%.
Hasil: Hasil diperoleh 38 subyek penelitian yang terdiri dari 26,3% stadium awal dan 73,7% stadium lanjut. Ekspresi PRL-3 tidak berbeda secara bermakna berdasarkan stadium, derajat diferensiasi, dan lokasi tumor dengan p > 0,05. Ekspresi PRL-3 pada kanker ovarium primer yang disertai metastasis lebih tinggi secara bermakna dibandingkan dengan kanker ovarium primer tanpa metastasis (p<0,05). Ekspresi VEGF tidak berbeda secara bermakna berdasarkan stadium, derajat diferensiasi, kanker ovarium primer, dan lokasi tumor dengan p > 0,05. Ada korelasi positif yang bermakna antara ekspresi PRL-3 dengan VEGF pada kanker ovarium epitelial (p<0,05).
Kesimpulan: Tingginya ekspresi PRL-3 meningkatkan ekspresi VEGF dan progresivitas kanker ovarium epitelial.
The Role of Phosphatase Regenerating Liver-3 and Vascular Endothelial Growth Factors in The Progressivity of Ovarium Epithelial Cancer
Objective: To determine the role of liver regenerating phosphatase-3 (PRL-3) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in the progression of ovarian cancer.
Method: This study was conducted on ovarian cancer patients in several teaching hospitals in the Department of Obgyn, Faculty of Medicine, Hasanuddin University, Makassar. Sampling was carried out by consecutive sampling. Sampling of ascites fluid and tumor tissue at the time of surgery was carried out for hematoxylin eosin and immunohistochemical examination, and for mRNA examination by RT-PCR. Eosin hematoxylin examination to measure histopathology. Immunohistochemical examination was carried out to determine the expression of PRL-3 and VEGF. RT-PCR was used to examine PRL-3 mRNA. Data were analyzed by chi-square test and Spearman correlation analysis at 5% significance level.
Results: The results obtained were 38 research subjects consisting of 26.3% early stage and 73.7% advanced stage. PRL-3 expression did not differ significantly based on the stage, degree of differentiation, and tumor location with p > 0.05. PRL-3 expression in primary ovarian cancer with metastases was significantly higher than in primary ovarian cancer without metastases (p<0.05). VEGF expression did not differ significantly based on stage, degree of differentiation, primary ovarian cancer and tumor location with p > 0.05. There was a significant positive correlation between PRL-3 expression and VEGF in epithelial ovarian cancer (p<0.05).
Conclusion: The high expression of PRL-3 increases the expression of VEGF and the progression of epithelial ovarian cancer.
Key words: ovarian cancer, phosphatase regenerating liver-3, vascular endothelial growth factor
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