Hubungan 8 OHdG (8-Hydroxy-2- Deoxyguanosin) Urin Neonatus dan Preeklamsia
Pendahuluan: Preeklamsia merupakan penyakit dengan berbagai teori (disease of theory) yang menggambarkan ketidakpastian patofisiologi dan penyebabnya. preeklamsia bukan hanya menyebabkan komplikasi terhadap maternal namun juga menimbulkan komplikasi terhadap janin, baik jangka pendek maupun jangka panjang. Peningkatan jumlah radikal bebas merupakan tanda terjadinya stres oksidatif pada kehamilan dengan preeklamsia. 8-OHdG adalah produk utama yang dibentuk dari radikal hidroksil pada residu guanine DNA.
Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik yang dikembangkan dengan desain penelitian cross-sectional. Sampel penelitian adalah neonatus yang lahir dari wanita hamil dengan dan tanpa didiagnosa preeklamsia. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara purposive sampling. dilakukan di Rumah Sakit Wahidin Sudirohusodo,dan rumah sakit jejaring pendidikan. Pengujian/running sampel dilakukan di unit Laboratorium Penelitian RSPTN Universitas Hasanuddin dengan metode Elisa. Data dianalisis dengan uji Chi squae, uji Mann whitney dan uji Kruskal wallis
Hasil: Hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan terdapat sebanyak 82 orang yang terbagi menjadi 41 orang sampel yang merupakan kelompok dengan preklamsia dan 41 orang sampel kelompok kontrol (normal). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan mengenai kadar 8-OHdG urin neonatus (8-hydroxy-2- deoxyguanosin) pada kehamilan dengan Preeklamsia diperoleh nilai rerata kadar 8-OHdG urin neonatus pada kehamilan normal sebesar 3.79±1.99, sedangkan kehamilan dengan preeklamsia sebesar 14.25±16.81. uji statistik chi-square menunjukkan nilai p sebesar 0.00 dimana nilai p<0.05 yang artinya terdapat perbedaan kadar 8-OHdG urin neonatus terhadap kejadian preeklamsia dan ibu hamil normal pada penelitian ini.
Kesimpulan: Terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan bermakna kadar 8-OHdG urin neonatus yaitu lebih tinggi kadar pada ibu hamil penderita preeklamsia daripada ibu hamil normal.
Relationship Between 8 OHdG (8-Hydroxy-2- Deoxyguai›osine) in Neonate Urine and Preeclampsia
Introduction: Preeclampsia is a disease with various theories (disease of theory) that describes the uncertainty of its pathophysiology and causes. Preeclampsia not only causes complications for the mother but also causes complications for the fetus, both short and long term. An increase in the number of free radicals is a sign of oxidative stress in preeclampsia. 8-OHdG is the main product formed from hydoxyl radicals in DNA guanine residues.
Method: The research was an analytical study developed with a cross-sectional research design. The research sample was neonates born to pregnant women with and without a diagnosis of preeclampsia. The sample was determined by using purposive sampling technique carried out at Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital and educational network hospitals. Sample testing was carried out at Hasanuddin University RSPTN Research Laboratory unit using Elisa method. Data were analyzed using Chi square test, Mann Whitney test, and Kruskal Wallis test.
Results: The research was carried out to 82 people who were divided into 41 samples in the group with preeclampsia and 41 samples in the control group (normal). Based on the results of research that has been carried out regarding the level of 8-OHdG in neonate urine (8-hydroxy-2-deoxyguanosine) in pregnancies with preeclampsia, the mean value of 8-OHdG level in neonate urine in normal pregnancies is 3.79 z 1.99, while the one in pregnancies with preeclampsia it is 14.25 z 16.81. The chi-square statistical test shows a p value 0.00 which p value <0.05, which means that there is a difference in the level of 8-OHdG in neonate urine in the occurrence of preeclampsia and normal pregnant women.
Conclusion: There is a significant difference between the level of 8-OHdG in neonate urine, where the level is higher in pregnant women with preeclampsia than in normal pregnant women.
Key words: 8-OHdG, neonate urine, preeclampsia
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