Profile and Pregnancy Outcome in Preeclampsia with and Without Cardiac Abnormalities Complication
Introduction: This study was conducted to determine the profile of maternal characteristics and outcomes, as well as neonatal outcomes of mothers giving birth with preeclampsia and complications of cardiac abnormalities compare to preeclampsia without complications of cardiac abnormalities.
Methods: This study used a descriptive cross-sectional research method with purposive sampling.
Results: Out of 78 samples, there were 10 pregnant women with cardiac abnormalities. The predominant age is in the 18 - 35 years range at 51 (65.4%) samples. Comorbidities found were eclampsia 8 (10.3%) and HELLP syndrome 3 (3.8%). There was no maternal mortality. The major method of delivery was perabdominal in preeclampsia with cardiac abnormalities 10(100.0%). The neonatal outcome obtained APGAR scores of 7-10 as many as 57 (73.1%) babies, 8 (10.2%) babies with score 4-6, and 13 (16.7%) babies with score 0-3. There were 16 (20.5%) babies born with SGA, 58 (74.4%) with AGA, and 4 (5.1%) with LGA. Most neonatal born with normal APGAR score (58 babies or 74.4%). In the PE group with heart defects, there was 1 (10.0%) baby with severe asphyxia as in stillbirth. While in preeclampsia without cardiac abnormalities 11 (16.2%) babies were born with severe asphyxia and 8 (10.2%) stillbirths.
Conclusion: The maternal outcomes were (1) comorbidities of eclampsia and HELLP syndrome, (2) the majority of delivery methods being caesarean section., and in neonatal outcomes, most babies were born with normal APGAR score and appropriate gestational age (AGA).
Profil dan Luaran Kehamilan pada Preeklamsia dengan dan Tanpa Komplikasi Kelainan Jantung
Pendahuluan: Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui profil karakteristik dan luaran maternal, serta luaran neonatal ibu melahirkan dengan preeklamsia dengan komplikasi kelainan jantung dan preeklamsia tanpa komplikasi kelainan jantung.
Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif potong lintang dan pengambilan sampel penelitian purposif.
Hasil: Dari 78 sampel, didapatkan 10 ibu hamil dengan kelainan jantung. Usia paling banyak ada pada rentang usia 18 - 35 tahun 51(65.4%) sampel. Penyakit pernyerta didapatkan eklamsia 8(10.3%) dan sindrom HELLP 3(3.8%). Tidak ditemukan kematian ibu. Metode persalinan terbanyak yaitu perabdominal pada PE dengan kelainan jantung 10(100.0%). Hasil luaran neonatal kelahiran bayi tunggal, didapatkan skor APGAR 7-10 sebanyak 57(73.1%) bayi, 8(10.2%) bayi dengan skor 4-6, dan 13(16.7%) bayi dengan skor 0-3. Terdapat 16(20.5%) bayi lahir dengan SGA, 58(74.4%) dengan AGA, dan 4(5.1%) dengan LGA. Hasil luaran neonatal terbanyak dengan kondisi APGAR normal (58 bayi atau 74.4%). Pada kelompok PE dengan kelainan jantung ditemukan 1(10.0%) bayi dengan luaran asfiksia berat begitu pun dengan stillbirth. Sedangkan pada PE tanpa kelainan jantung sebanyak 11(16.2%) lahir dengan asfiksia berat dan 8(10.2%) stillbirth.
Kesimpulan: Luaran kehamilan yang ditemukan yaitu (1) penyakit penyerta berupa eklamsia dan sindrom HELLP, (2) metode persalinan terbanyak yaitu caesarean section, dan hasil luaran neonatal terbanyak adalah dengan kondisi APGAR normal dan AGA.
Kata kunci: Luaran kehamilan; Luaran neonatal; Preeklamsia dengan kelainan jantung
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