Hubungan Kadar Trombosit dan Neutrofil antara Kanker Ovarium Tipe Epitelial Rekuren dan Nonrekuren

Hendra Santoso, Syahrul Rauf, Masita Fujiko


Tujuan: Menganalisis hubungan kadar trombosit dan neutrofil terhadap rekurensi kanker ovarium.
Metode: Penelitian observasi case control. Data dan sampel darah diambil dari perempuan penderita kanker ovarium tipe epitelial rekuren dan tidak rekuren sebanyak 117 orang. Data yang diambil berupa usia, paritas, status menopause, serta hasil laboratorium darah rutin saat sebelum kemoterapi dan pasca kemoterapi 6 kali. Data diuji dengan analisis independent sample t test, uji Mann Whitney, analisis korelasi, serta analisis regresi logistik biner.
Hasil: Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara kadar trombosit dan neutrofil terhadap rekurensi kanker ovarium (p<0,05). Persamaan regresi logistik y= -1,488 + 1,132 x trombosit pasca operasi + 0,961 x Neutrofil. Nilai OR (95% CI) kadar trombosit sebesar 3,102 (1,357–7,092). Tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara leukosit dan hemoglobin dengan rekurensi kanker ovarium (P>0,05).
Kesimpulan: Kadar trombosit dan netrofil memiliki korelasi terhadap rekurensi kanker ovarium. Kadar leukosit dan hemoglobin tidak berkaitan dengan rekurensi kanker ovarium.

Correlation between Platelet and Neutrophil Levels in Recurrence Epithelial Ovarian Cancer

Objective: To analyze the relationship between platelet and neutrophil levels on ovarian cancer recurrence
Methods: Case-control observation research. Data and blood samples were taken from 117 women with recurrent and non-recurrent epithelial ovarian cancer patients. Primary data taken were age, parity, menopausal status, laboratory results of routine blood examination carried out before and after chemotherapy six times. Data were tested by independent sample t-test, Mann Whitney test, correlation analysis, and binary logistic regression analysis.
Results:  There was a statistically significant relationship between platelets and neutrophils with ovarian cancer recurrence (p<0.05). The logistic regression equation y= -1.488 + 1.132 x postoperative platelets + 0.961 x neutrophils. The OR (95% CI) for platelet levels was 3.102 (1.357–7.092). There was no significant relationship between leukocytes and hemoglobin with ovarian cancer recurrence (P>0.05).
Conclusion: Platelet and neutrophil levels are associated with ovarian cancer recurrence. Leukocyte and  hemoglobin levels were not associated with ovarian cancer recurrence.

Key words: ovarian cancer, chemotherapy, recurrence, platelets


kanker ovarium, kemoterapi, rekuren, trombosit

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